WTF Wednesday

Three days left of Nablopomo September and I’ve got nothing to say except…. Yea. I’ve got nothing to say.

Weird how that works, isn’t it?

I thought about trying to pull something out of my ass that’s related to the actual theme of Nablo this month but I’m not good with “return” – I’m a look forward kind of person and returning anywhere (except back to the south where I belong) makes me queasy. I guess I could pretend to care about returning to something but I don’t really like to pretend to be something that I’m not or care about things that I don’t care about. I see enough of those people every day and they, too, make me queasy.

I thought about reviving a saved draft of one post or another that I’ve started but never finished over the years but a lot of those are WTF kind of posts and if I couldn’t finish them back then, I certainly can’t finish the damn things now.

I thought about doing Wordless Wednesday because that could be fun but my cameras are mocking me and would just cause me more WTF kind of moments.

I could do a Stupid Question post because that was a lot of fun on Facebook today (on the BlogHer Facebook page) but that would be silly since, you know, I already did that.

I considered writing a post brought to you by the number 5 but in my head it turned into more WTF kind of crud and I scrapped that idea quickly.

I could write a post about Chris, who is moving. Or Michelle who insists she is my favorite because I’ve blogged about her the most (she must have forgotten that I was paid to blog about her… hah.) I considered a post about Jenn but it’s not quite the right time for THAT.

So here I am, three days left and all I can do is spit out WTF and ramble about not having a damn thing to say.




Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

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