Daily Dose of Coffee – Presents

Yesterday was "Beaning Day" aka our anniversary (for those of you who prefer things "normal").  The reason it is known as "Beaning Day" is TW presented me with a gold coffee bean charm to honor the occasion of official coupledom.  (We aren’t into that gay marriage thing, in case you didn’t know that) 

The gold coffee bean was presented to me four years ago and every year on Beaning Day I am given some gift or another, generally a coffee bean related gift.  I believe last year I was given a mobile made out of a couple of sticks, some fishing line and real coffee beans (spray painted I think, though in the dark office it is hard to tell and I’m not good at remembering those sorts of things.  TW is the marshmallowy romantic around here).  E calls it the flying coffee bean because in the dark office, you can’t see the string so it looks like the beans are just hanging in the air.

Yesterday, TW gave me a candy bar.  Hershey’s Caramel Cappucino Very amusing since I’m not really a fan of chocolate.  (FYI it wasn’t all that great.  The first bite, I liked.  After that, not so much.  I saved a piece for her and she didn’t like it at all.)  The candy bar was nice and made me laugh but that wasn’t the only gift.  She’d been griping about "fonts" for awhile for my "Beaning Day" present so I figured it was another webpage or a poem or a card or something. 

So 7:30am arrives and we’re heading to Starbucks on the way to take her to work.  She gets out of the car and I see she has her backpack slung over her shoulder.  I said ummm why are you carrying your backpack into Starbucks.  She blushed and giggled and I refused to go INTO Starbucks because obviously she was about to make some sort of huge production about Beaning Day IN STARBUCKS.  She put her backpack back in the car but pulled a piece of paper out of the bag.  I still refused to go in.  She swore it wouldn’t be "bad".  I grudgingly followed.  Griping all the way.  Griping while ordering.  I see her talking to the barista and I griped some more.

I’m standing at the side counter, in my normal spot.  Griping.  Waiting for whatever it is. Griping.  When I notice the cup in front of the barista looks funny.  Ha!  Cup #524!  Ha! Very very amusing!  TW created The Way I See It #524, put it on a label and had the barista put the label on the cup.  Cup #524 is very marshmallowy and very very amusing.  I’m soooo lucky.  How many women have a Starbucks cup created just for them? 

It was a nice Beaning Day.

And since  I’m here talking about coffee, I think I’ll toss in a mini review of the Bloggers Fuel coffee we tried last weekend, Blogs of Bravery .  It wasn’t nearly as good as the New Media Mavericks but Nurse Pam (who I generally think has excellent taste) seemed to like it.  It wasn’t bad, it just wasn’t great and I wouldn’t order it again.  This weekend, Bloggers Beach Blast!   

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4 thoughts on “Daily Dose of Coffee – Presents”

  1. I got my Blogger’s Review Pack finally too 🙂 Tried out New Media Mavericks, really liked it. I’ve had Blogger’s Beach Blast before, but my favorite so far is Late Night Log In.

  2. Heh! If you do, you have to blog about it – well sort of blog about it, without mentioning you know who. 🙂

    It was very sweet and pretty original. 🙂

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