He Can Sleep Through Anything

Chris is asleep on the couch. He’s been asleep on the couch for quite some time.


Three feet from the end of the couch is the bird – who screams every few minutes just because she can.

Right next to the bird is TW who has run the sewing machine for hours, while he slept.

Through the open doorway, RJ has been baking. And she is not a quiet baker.

TW called the three small children from dinner, while standing right behind the couch he is sleeping on.

I called him for dinner while standing behind the couch.

He kept sleeping.

Five of us ate dinner, at the table right behind the couch. We talked about the tofu tacos TW made.

The oven timer went off, RJ and Elly jumped up to deal with peanut butter blossoms.

The boy slept on.

I cleaned the kitchen and started the dishwasher, which causes the bird to scream  more frequently. (it’s the sound of running water that does it.)

RJ is back in the kitchen with her cookies – every now and then she claps. Or sings. Or yells loudly.

We talked about unhappiness – why so many people in her life seem to be unhappy. Why she might feel not so happy herself. It’s a mystery. Everyone should be happy. There’s much to be happy about.

TW sews on.

Chris sleeps on.

TW uses the sodastream to make fizzy water.  Is there a louder machine than the sodastream? No, there is not.

I called RJ into the office to give her a book that I picked up for her at the library. She rambles happily about the awesome book (though this book  suggests she no longer needs to say awesome) from the kitchen – loudly.

I called Elly down, from right behind the couch, to hand her graphic novels that I picked up at the library. She squealed with joy and ran noisily up the metal staircase.

I stopped to talk to TW about her quilt problem.

I carried books into the living room to set next to TW’s mother’s chair.

The boy snores a bit louder.

I grabbed my iPhone and took a photo – with a flash.

He’s still sleeping.

There goes the sodastream again… yep, he’s still sleeping.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

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