Alberto is around here somewhere and we aren’t ready for him – or any other hurricane. We discovered this last night, around 9:30, when the power went out.
Yes, we have that nifty hurricane kit that TW gave me for my birthday a couple of years ago. We have more "D" batteries than a family of a gazillion should have. We have a bunch of flashlights, a very cool lantern that gives off more light than TW’s IKEA lamp and my leg lamp combined. We have all of the RX mediciations various family members require. We have pet food. We have shelf after shelf of library books.
We don’t have AAA batteries, which we really do need to get to power our book lights. We also don’t have much bottled water, but we do have enough for Tiny Alberto. What we don’t have and really REALLY need is a replacement for the Wolfgang Puck canned coffee which is THE most important part of a hurricane kit. I only have one can left. I thought there were three. I’m worried.
We do have a tiny sterno stove that I could heat coffee with. I think there’s also a cigarette lighter powered coffee pot around here somewhere (Where is that, by the way? It isn’t in the hurricane kit….) Neither of those solutions are nearly as good as being able to have a few cans of self heating coffee around. Why oh why did the magic Wolfgang Puck coffee have to go and melt or explode? Why oh why weren’t people holding melting cans smart enough to put them down, shrug it off as a cool and interesting science experiment and keep quiet about it?
Is it November yet?
This does sound scary. In Utah snow is about the worst weather threat we have.
I know I’m odd but I’ll take hurricanes and coffee worries over snow anyday. It’s the southern girl in me, I guess.
I guess the natural disasters you know are better than the ones you don’t have experience with. I can handle earthquakes, but hurricanes freak me out.
Good luck this season!!