The Gilly Salt Sisters

I really, really liked The Little Giant of Aberdeen County and was really excited to start reading The Gilly Salt Sisters. But, it started off really slow. I tried not to let that get to me because I remember some slow points from Little Giant, too… but, The Gilly Salt Sisters had a few too many slow points and I found myself tempted to skim a lot more than I’d like.

I also did not love the end – as in the very, very, very end like the last chapter end. What was the point of that jumping so far forward? Take my advice and stop with chapter 30. Or, if you really need a tiny bit more – read a few pages into chapter 32 and then quit. That’s all you need. The rest was just a letdown and left me saying, “huh?”.

Now I want something salty. Or maybe salty-sweet.

Posted via email from Life. Flow. Fluctuate.

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