A Fresh Start

How long has it been since I blogged here. I mean really blogged here. For awhile I could say that it was no big deal, I was still blogging on BlogHer but I can’t even say that any more, not really. The extreme coupon series was nice but it was written for a BlogHer-type audience, specifically. The Johnny Mac Pippin series was fabulous, and much closer to me really blogging but still, not completely “me”.

Is there a “me” as blogger anymore? It’s time to find out whether I have something to say or whether I’m just going to be the kind of blogger that I’ve been.

But first, I had to have a new blog template. I have needed one for a good two years, probably longer. I’m pretty sure folks had decided I was never going to get my act together and hire a designer and make it happen. I’m pretty sure BlogHer community member, Laine, had just about given up on me ever reaching out to her to make my blog pretty again. But I did it! And better yet, Laine did it. Laine made my blog pretty again and she made it so darn easy.

She wanted to know what I wanted and I didn’t know. I couldn’t even tell her what colors I wanted or what fonts I wanted, and lord knows fonts are important. What’s awesome is that not only did Laine give me a blog I love, she didn’t curse me for being so unhelpful about the design (even in the face of #Sandy barreling toward her!) That’s the kind of blog designer I need — someone who gives me a great blog and doesn’t get completely exasperated with me for not knowing what I want ’til I see it. That’s probably the kind of blog designer you want, too, so go visit Elaine Griffin Designs. She’s awesome and I will never be able to thank her enough.

What’s even more awesome than a new blog design, built by a BlogHer member, is a new header created by a BlogHer member using another BlogHer member’s gorgeous flamingo photos! Yep, my blog was built by BlogHer(s) — or to be more specific, by BlogHer Chatterers.

Those flamingo photos up there — not stock images. They were shot by Karen L. Sandoval who is one hell of a photographer and one hell of a woman, too. Karen graciously allowed me to BUY them from her (she wanted to just let me use them for free but I’m a big fan of paying women for their work so I twisted her arm. They’re worth paying for and she’s worth paying. Darn it.)

So here we are — new blog, another NaBloPomo — anything might happen.

11 thoughts on “A Fresh Start”

  1. And thus I have found yet another reason to think Laine’s cool. 🙂

    I’ll be sticking around for your NaBloPoMo. I’m looking forward to getting to know you more outside of Chatter! Also wishing you luck on rediscovering your blog voice.

  2. I love the new look! And a great way to start NaBloPoMo! I have been admiring Laine’s work maybe when I get around to the next step she might be the woman to call!

    I love the photos Karen has a great eye!

  3. OhMyGosh! I’m so excited! I too, and really looking forward to you blogging again, and getting to know you in a whole new way. I’m excited – I love to see people happy in their online home. By the way, you gave more guidance than you think. More importantly, Karen really provided the inspiration for the design with her AMAZING photos!!

  4. Welcome back, kinda sorta. 🙂 I’m going to try it too. I’ve seen the same from some others who have been around awhile. What’s wrong with all of us? Ha!

    Good luck — and the new look is super pretty!

  5. I think… I think in some ways you are like me when it comes to blogging. It’s not that we don’t have things to say. We do. We just don’t necessarily need a blog to say them? And we do write a lot every day, even if it’s not blog posts. And well, yes. Just yes. There’s this whole post about this jogging around in my brain, I just don’t have all the right words for it yet. I’ll get there.

  6. I love love love your header and your colors and your writing, well heck you must know that because I stalk you everywhere! Thanks so much for being my first paying customer for my photography Denise. You pulled confidence out of me! Thanks so much for the credit too. You are awesome! Laine is so fantastically patient isn’t she? 🙂

  7. I love a collaboration! The blog looks awesome, Elaine is a genius and wonderful! Karen’s pictures are, as always, fantastic. Love the new design and good luck with the regular blogging. Viva la NaBloPoMo!

  8. Love it! Elaine does totally awesome work. She redid my blog and I’m not sure I wrote up a post about it. Adding that to my To Do List tonight (after searching my blog to make sure I haven’t already done it)!

    Looking forward to reading more….

  9. And to think I almost missed this, Denise. I may be a little late getting here, however here I am. This is awesome and beautiful and oh-so creative.

    I am still new at a lot of things on the web, but I am learning because of people I have had the privilege and the honor to meet on BlogHer. People like you and Laine and Karen! 🙂

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