Forget “How’s TW?” What About ME?

When I decided to do NaBloPoMo, I was kind of afraid I’d be writing about stupid hospital visits. Bah humbug.

I’m also tired of everyone saying “How is Tarrant?” I don’t have a good answer for that. Here are some I’ve tried:
– She’s fine.
– No change.
– She’s bitchy.
– She’s more confusing as ever because she’s getting pain meds.
– She’s grouchy.
– Fine, thanks.

None of these seem to appease those who are asking. So what the heck am I supposed to say? Here are the facts, you tell me what my answer should be, ok?

– She has a lot of abdominal pain, when it’s been awhile since she had fresh pain meds.
– She is nauseous if it’s been awhile since she’s had nausea meds.
– When she sits on the toilet to pee, her oxygen levels drop.
– Her oxygen levels drop off and on just in general, for no clear reason.
– Her blood pressure was high, for her. (Not super high for normal human beings) And is still a little higher than her normal, from time to time.
– She has no fever.
– She’s not vomiting.
– She’s also not having any bowel movements, which annoys pretty much everyone right now.

So basically – she’s fine. Nothin’ happening. Nothin’ to talk about.

Except me! Let’s talk about ME!

– Nobody put a mint on my pillow last night.
– I had to make the damn bed this morning.
– I had to feed TW’s mom dinner and also her birthday breakfast this morning. I guess I have to take her to Culver’s tonight for her birthday dinner, too.
– I have been making trips back and forth between the house and hospital for 24 hours now and it ain’t a walk in the park. (Do you know how many god damned trains there are between me and the hospital?)
– I have to deal with a very unhappy, pathetic puppy who is either in my lap, biting at my coat sleeve, crying, barking at me, or staring at the bedroom door (refusing to move or even blink in case TW is on the other side of that door.) PATHETIC.

– I had to take the dead pumpkin out of the prairie dog cage.
– I had to feed the prairie dogs.
– Driving around in the car by myself is lonely.
– Going to vote by myself is not fun.
– Sleeping all by myself is errr well it’s kind of nice because nobody is causing me to have dreams about fires but it’s also kind of depressing, too.
– There is nobody to talk to about weird emails and weirder blog posts.

TW’s fine. I’m pretty much in hell. Thanks for asking.

12 thoughts on “Forget “How’s TW?” What About ME?”

  1. I’m sorry you’re all alone. With the dog. Because, OMG, that sucks. I’m pretty sure that’s what’s up with my anxiety lately. The damn dog.

    Also, I was initially bummed that @cfd46 wasn’t home last night (after leaving in the middle of the night the night before for a fire). Until I woke up at 3 am TOTALLY sprawled across the WHOLE bed. Then I smiled and went back to sleep. Mmm.

    Hugs to TW. Kisses to you, because you need them. BECAUSE OMG DOGS.

  2. My dog got confused and just started barking at Skeeter. But she is bit of a nut.

    I do hope you get some rest and things go back to normal soon.

  3. I’m sorry for asking (over and over) about TW and not you! HTFRU? *hugs* SB looks so forlorn. I hope for both your sakes that she (TW) comes home soon. xo

  4. Denise! Just for kicks, tell the dog NO. I know you run the risk of derailing her training, but if it makes you smile, say no and toss treats on the floor while running away giggling.

    But seriously, * hugs* to you BOTH and cheese balls and gummi bears are on their mutha fuckin’ way.

  5. Ruby does that same thing when I leave. Sits by the door so that I practically trip over her when coming back in.

    Are you having to pay for parking at the hospital? I can buy you a parking token if you need one! Just let me know. Seriously. It’s the least I can do after all y’all have done for Charlie and me.

    And voting by yourself is stinky as well as driving/running errands by yourself.

  6. Care giving doesn’t get enough props. I’m learning more about how stressful it is for the care giver and all that stuff. Trying to be more empathetic, etc. I’d come cuddle the puppy if I could, but then again I’d be zero help and you’d end up having to take care of me too so…. scratch that. Anyway. Hang in there. Everyone.

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