The Fake Car Accident

I’m tired of writing about TW’s tummy troubles and about puppies but darn if I’m finding time to plan a post before it’s suddenly 7:30pm and I have no freaking topic to write about. I’ve got to do a better job of planning these posts because I’m pretty sure you’re getting sick of hearing about TW’s gut and Skeeter’s annoying habits.

So tomorrow — no posts about hospitals, dogs, or crap like that, ok?

Today, however, I’ll point you to the post TW wrote way back in 2007 where she first mentioned the “car accident” as we’ve come to call the unexplained back pain that she’s been living with for, well, more than five years now.

Yep, she went to the doctor with what she thought might be a UTI — or she hoped might be a UTI because the back pain was errr painful and a doctor actually asked her if she was SURE she had not been in a car accident and she had just forgotten… and then he sent her on her way.

Turns out there’s an actual name for this pain that she’s had for all of these years and not a single damn doctor had ever bothered to tell her what this was or why it happened — until the nice Dr Elliot, (one of the doctor’s in TW”s primary care doctor’s office.)

I don’t actually remember what he said this was called. But it’s related to gas and the abdominal wall and hell I don’t know. I’m just going to keep calling it the fake car accident — but it was nice to have a doctor explain something. For once.

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