What Do You Do On Your Days Off?

I took two days off from work and I had big plans to do ALL the things. Apparently there are fewer hours in the day on a day off than on a day I work because I did not get ALL the things finished.

I worked a few hours each day, which I had factored into my plans.

I did manage to wrap all of JMP’s presents and all of his mom and dad’s presents, though I’m still waiting on one for his mom to arrive so I can get it all boxed up (lord, do they make boxes big enough for all of this stuff?)

I got the gifts I need to send to Charlotte wrapped and shipped!

I finally managed to get the Comcast cable box sent back. I was supposed to do that last week but I forgot.

I ran out to the Navy Base today, so we don’t have to do that on Saturday (which we’d never manage to do since we have to drive kids to hell and back all day long.)

I made it to the library to pick up some books on hold but forgot (again) to pay my fine. Sheesh.

I did two loads of laundry. TWO. And one of them is still in the dryer waiting to be folded. That’s pathetic. I do more laundry than that on a work day.

I did take a short nap and a regular sized nap, which was nice and not really on my list of things to do.

I took the puppy for one walk. One. I would have taken her for two but remembered today was puppy training class and figured we could skip the walk in favor of a nap, since we’d be working during the class. I should have taken her for a walk, that might have saved baby Jesus or the lamb from being eaten.

And that’s it.

I didn’t get a blog post written that is due next week.

I didn’t clean the cabinets or the stock pile room.

I didn’t clean up the videos on my iPhone or the apps on my iPad.

I didn’t go through the winter clothes to see what’s going to Goodwill and what’s going into our drawers.

I didn’t even read more than one book (and that was a graphic novel!)

I didn’t figure out where I stand with my reading challenges for 2012 and figure out what I’m going to challenge myself to do in 2013.

And, I definitely didn’t get my desk cleaned.


I hope I can get more done next week when I take some more days off.

2 thoughts on “What Do You Do On Your Days Off?”

  1. There’s always so much to do in December aside from the every day crap that never gives you a break. I could try to be supportive and enthusiastic for you, but my own to-do list has given me a wicked case of the “oh damn it!”
    😀 Hang in there!

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