Half Empty


I was feeling all stoked about succeeding at NaBlo and looking forward to December — the holidays, some days off, seeing the big kids, going out to see Melissa. I wasn’t even stressing over TW’s still missing paycheck and the hospital bills that just keep rolling in. Life was good. I wasn’t even too grouchy about all of the driving around we were facing the next day, to get RJ to all of the places she needs to be.

I took a shower and was looking forward to climbing into my bed with a book (and TW and probably the damn dog) but as I was drying off, TW informed me that RJ did not have her ID. The ID that’s necessary to get her into the SAT at 7:45am.

I cursed and put on my dirty clothes and then was informed that not only does she not have her ID, she doesn’t even know where her ID is. I cursed some more and went to find my shoes.

10 minutes later, she’d verified that her step-mother was in possession of her Passport, so I leashed the dog and headed to the car. And waited. RJ came down without shoes and had to go back up to get them. I waited some more. She forgot her key. I waited some more.

Everyone was in the car and I started to back out of my long ass driveway. Something I’ve done 8 zillion times in the last four and a half years.


I. Hit. The. Damn. Pole.

The pole I’ve reminded people not to hit 8 zillion times in the last four and a half years.

I. Hit. The. Damn. Pole. With. My. New. Car.

I pulled forward and just sat there a minute.

Climbed out. It was too dark to see anything but I ran my hands over the side of the car, just above the tire well — scrape. A very large scrape.

I cursed and got back in the car, where I sat and cursed again for a very long time.

I stopped cursing and just sat there quietly for awhile. I just needed a minute to feel all of the happy float away and all of the frustration just flooded right out of me.

Numb. Comfortably numb. That pretty much describes the trip across town and back again.

This morning, I’m tired but the kid is at the SAT and I’m at my desk doing most of the normal things I do every morning. Planning the rest of my day. Wondering whether I should file an insurance claim or just pay it out of pocket. And wondering where a good body shop is, close by.


At least Michelle Belle is in a cab, on her way home, after a nice Florida vacation.

At least JMP is adorable as ever (almost 19lbs of adorable.)

At least 99% of my Christmas shopping is done.

At least we finally finished listening to the most depressing YA book on the face of the earth.

At least the puppy hasn’t eaten baby Jesus, so far, today.


8 thoughts on “Half Empty”

  1. I understand that frustration all too well!
    Here’s to better days (((hugs)))
    Andto teenagers who don’t wait until the last minute to get their act together. This one I am hoping for myself, too!!!

  2. Oye. I tore off the mirror on our car last week driving out of the garage. I cursed like a sailor. My sister’s daughter is writing her SAT this morning but my sister is also trying to bribe her to go to University in Canada. Vegan girl just wants to keep all of her options open…

  3. Oh man Denise, this all happened this morning? I think this is a excellent reason to go back to bed. *hugs*

    ps: pay out of pocket so your insurance doesn’t go up.

  4. LOL. love it. So nice to know another mother who can just curse her way through a day. And needs the moment to calm yourself down when you don’t have it. I”ve hit enough of my own poles so you’re in good company (Well, the tree and our damn brick curb…)

  5. All my best thoughts for a better day. At. least. you. have Yule shopping complete. I have not have not even begun

  6. I read this post last night while lying in bed feeling all depressed about crap. It was nice to know that I wasn’t alone. Not that I was glad you had a bad day. Ha. Just nice to know that we all feel like shit sometimes.

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