Daily Dose of Coffee – Caribou

I am not a Caribou Coffee fan. I’m sorry, I’m just not. I’ve tried and I wouldn’t turn it down if it was the only coffee shop in town, I’m just not going to ever switch from Starbucks to Caribou (not that I could do that anyway, since we don’t have a Caribou in Gainesville, but you get my point, right?).

I do think Caribou’s decision to the Starbucks iced coffee coupons was brilliant and if I had a Caribou near by and drank iced coffee, I would head into their store and thank them. Starbucks has not shown itself to be a brilliant company of late and the whole email coupon thing was just ridiculous.

I can give props to Caribou Coffee for one other thing, and it’s something I’ve been meaning to post about for quite some time… Caribou Coffee Bars! I’m not a power bar, breakfast bar, cereal bar sort of person but these, well, these I truly enjoy. They aren’t a diet bar, people, so don’t buy them if you’re attempting to lose weight. Well don’t buy them if you are attempting to lose weight and find it difficult to limit your serving sizes when it comes to sweet treats. Which flavor is best, you ask? Both are excellent. Michelle prefers the Mocha but I have absolutely no preference whatsoever.

Go Caribou!

3 thoughts on “Daily Dose of Coffee – Caribou”

  1. We have Carabou, but I don’t like it. Still, those bars look good. I’ve never seen them before. Strangely, I’m not seeing the flavor choices on the site.

  2. Hey Nickie, the description is not clear. The image shows the two different boxes, one is vanilla and the other is mocha. Also under the image, there is text that says “available in Chocolate Mocha or Vanilla Latte”.

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