Desensitized? Beaten? Bored?

We woke up to a dusting of snow.

It snowed, lightly, a few days ago, too.

A few days before that, it snowed a couple of inches.

Since JMP left, there’s pretty much been frozen slushie snowy mess on my front deck.

I bet you didn’t know that, did you? Of course you didn’t, because I’ve taken pretty much ZERO snow photos since JMP left.

Four four years I took a photo of my front deck any time it had even a wee bit of snow and now, in our fifth winter, I’ve pretty much given up.

Is it because we’ve had so little snow that I’ve gotten out of practice?

Is it because I’ve become desensitized by the snow. It’s just another day, ho hum?

Am I bored with the whole idea of snow photos?

Or has the weather just beaten me into submission?

I think it’s probably a combination of all of those things. With 3 1/2 years left here, I’m pretty sure you’ll see quite a few more snow photos from me before I’m done — but I guess it won’t be every day. I just don’t have it in my to do it.

Stupid snow.

3 thoughts on “Desensitized? Beaten? Bored?”

  1. So I’m wondering why you only have so much time left in Chicago. Was there something that caused you to move there?

    I moved away from IL and I do not miss the blizzards but I’ve barely seen snow here in Oregon this winter and it’s really strange.

  2. instead of taking a photo every day it snows and feeling the pressure of that commitment, why don’t you just take one photo of your deck a week, at the same time of the day, or not. when you upload them, put them in a folder in flickr named: daily deck. even if you miss a week, you will capture all the seasons in their beauty.

    winter is almost over. it’s almost March. soon we will be in the clear. just a few more months!

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