Home Again, Home Again…

We’ve been home a couple of hours and I’m already grouchy. Damn shih tzu. Damn cold house. Damn, damn, damn.

Which is not the way I planned to start the post about the last day of vacation, so let’s scratch all of that and start over…

We headed home early this morning, after one last soak in the super-hot, extra large tub and some awesome french toast. One last glass of Door County cherry juice and four or five trips up and down that staircase to get the car packed.

We stopped at GLAS (the coffee shop I mentioned yesterday) for another cup of awesome coffee and I grabbed a bag of skateboard blend to help support the fundraising drive for the Sturgeon Bay skateboard park. (I have a weakness for skateboarders.)

Then, we headed for Renard’s for cheese. Siri was confused about where Renard’s was and after driving an extra 10 miles through farmville, I turned around and ignored her directions in favor of my own memory… we had our photo taken with the mouse and bought a TON of cheese, a cherry pie and some sort of sausage. We’ll be eating cheese for a month, which is ok by me. Mmmm, cheese.

Next stop, the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help which was super interesting but our timing was horrendous. 11am on Ash Wednesday (Sassymonkey informed me that it was not Ash Wednesday, which just goes to show that vacation causes time to stand still and early Easter really throughs me.) Oy. The gift shop wasn’t open because of Mass and the Stations of the Cross were covered in 3′ of snow with a not very good path between them. We braved the snow at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Monastery but this was more snow and less ice and seemed … just too difficult. I kind of wish we’d done it anyway. Ah well, we will go back — and we’ll make sure we do it at a better day/time.

And then, the uneventful but enjoyable drive home. Mid-40’s and sunshine until we hit Cook County, where it turned dreary and colder. Blah.

It’s nice to be home with Skeeter and the prairie dogs. (Both were very happy to see us and Skeeter is happily sleeping ON MY PILLOW with TW now.)

It was a great vacation — I highly recommend Door County in the off-season. If you go, you should stay at the Colonial Gardens B&B, you’ll love it. (hah, click the link — that’s pretty much what it looked like — all that snow, though it was really starting to melt nicely by the time we left. See the top of the stairs, on the left side of the house — that leads to the Bungalow Suite, which was the room I chose. The very pink and awesome room.)