I Cooked!

I know, you’re shocked and excited. I understand. I’m shocked and excited, too — which is why I’m blogging about it. (Well actually, I’m blogging about it because I thought I’d already blogged today and so I have no topic and it seems this is the most interesting thing I’ve got, that I feel like blogging about.)

So, back to me cooking.

It’s not like I have never, in my life, cooked. I used to cook all of the time — I have three grown kids and they did not starve ya know.

It’s just that I’ve cooked less and less as the years have gone by, particularly since we moved to Chicagoland and TW’s mom moved in. And, as the small kids have gotten older, they’re more able to fend for themselves so when TW doesn’t feel like cooking, I don’t have to jump in and pick up the slack. So. I don’t cook much.

When I DO cook, some children feel the need to make a damn production of it. This usually causes me to roll my eyes. Then they spend the rest of the evening listing the “things Denise cooks” which causes me to not want to ever cook anything again.

So annoying.

I wasn’t planning on cooking today. TW made a meal plan for the week. We shopped for that meal plan. And, so far, we’re sticking to it. Tonight we were roasting two chickens and having a nice pasta/veggie/cheese salad. When I couldn’t nap, TW asked if I’d start the pasta, since I was getting up. So I did that.

While it was boiling, I made egg salad out of the last of the deviled eggs. And then, I did some other stuff. Time passed and I decided I’d get up and cut the veggies/cheese for the pasta salad. I did that (with input from TW) and I added a little lemon olive oil and a little cherry vinegar and yum. Then I realized I should just go ahead and put the chickens in, since it was time to do that. So I did.

And poof, there you have it.

I cooked and the small children were not here to comment upon the shock and awe of DENISE! COOKING!