Lessons Learned or Something Like That.

– I need to figure out how to blog via email, to this blog. I’m pretty sure I set it up so that I could do it, but I don’t have the email addy handy to actually do it. (This is why it was so much easier to have posterous around, sigh.)

– The internet always goes out when you can least handle it going out.

– I’m not very good at writing blog posts when I’m “offline”. This makes no sense but there you have it. I can’t write when I’m flying. I can’t write when the internet is down. I’m too distracted by the lack of connectivity to string any words together.

– AT&T’s service is a zillion times better than any other internet/cable provider I’ve used (Everything from Charter to Comcast to Cox to I don’t even know what else.)

– White noise machines are weird. Do they work better than the white noise app on your iPhone/iPad?

– People really like to talk about their dogs.

– Gel pens make me happy.

– I need to clean out my desk top thingy so I have more photos of JMP and fewer stray pieces of paper tucked under the glass.

– There are too many interesting books to read and not enough time to read them.

– There are an awful lot of movies I wanted to see but never got around to seeing.

– Prairie Dogs don’t get less messy as they get older.

– When you work 10 hour days instead of 12-14-16 hour days, you get more done. And maybe have more fun getting things done.

2 thoughts on “Lessons Learned or Something Like That.”

  1. I’ve used a white noise machine since well, forever. it’s a brookstone Tranquil moments…and it’s dying. I could replace it, but I feel the same way… I’ve got apps.

    I’m glad you aren’t allowed to work 14 hours a day anymore! 🙂

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