Missing This and Of Course, There’s That and TW is Nuts


With the art journaling moved to the nice little dedicated corner of the family room… I’m not actually remembering to journal. hahah. When they were on my desk, I could pick them up and doodle. Or throw down a layer of paint. Or at the very least, remember to do something with the calendar a day thingy.

Out of sight, out of mind — I skipped four days of calendar journaling because the altered book is in the other room. I also haven’t done anything with The Pocket Scavenger because that book was also in the other room.

If only I didn’t mind prairie dog goo in all of my pages, then I could move the red table in here and the expedit into the other room and … but no. Not happening. I just need to develop a new habit — and maybe get back to taking those work-day breaks I’m supposed to be taking.

But not taking because work is weird and I can’t seem to find a good long stretch of time that works. Maybe it’s just this week that’s the problem and next week will be better.

I hope.

Speaking of weird work – TW has a new job so she’s doing that thing where she tells everyone all about how awesome her job is and how they should do THAT thing because DID YOU KNOW…?

It’s amusing but it can also get a little tiring.

Poor Annie, the librarian. TW tried very hard to convince her she should come over to BlogHer and enter sweepstakes and giveaways. We used to be Annie’s favorite library patrons — now, I’m not so sure. Hah.

In two weeks we’ll be in Austin. Where it’s warm. Where my baby girl will also be. TWO WEEKS! I’ll also get to hug some co-workers and some friends and listen to food bloggers talk about food and food blogging. Food bloggers are fascinating creatures. I always feel like I’m gawking at the exotic birds and flowers when I go to BlogHer Food. So awesome. I can’t wait.

And did I mention it will be warm there?

I’m back to wearing two pairs of socks and two jackets IN MY HOUSE again.

Damn Chicagoland. Can’t we just move to Savannah and be done with it?

2 thoughts on “Missing This and Of Course, There’s That and TW is Nuts”

  1. I think it’s partly that this week is weird. And last week was weird too. But next week should be… less weird?

    Please hug Michelle Belle for me. And um everyone else… but mostly Michelle Belle. Because she’s my favourite.

  2. Could you move the prairie dogs to where the red thing is? Then move the red thing? And what is an altered book? What have I missed? And, please give Michelle Belle a hug for me too. Did she quit smoking too? How did you guys do that? cold turkey? did you write about quitting? hugs xo

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