I Hate Holidays

I don’t really hate them but then again, I do. They make coming back to work a whole lot more complicated.

No matter how many times I tell myself that today is Tuesday, at some point, I’m going to confuse myself by thinking it’s Monday. Or Wednesday. Or some other day of the week that it’s not.

And this will happen all week long.

What’s worse is I realized this morning that… I did not blog yesterday.

Yea. Sadness.

I’ve blogged every single day, at least once, since mid-October of 2012 — and I didn’t blog yesterday.

I thought I had. Probably because I spent most of yesterday thinking it was Sunday and I knew I had blogged on Sunday.

This is why it’s good to blog holidays — even if everyone else in the damn world is blogging those holidays and nobody really wants to read another post about that holiday from anyone except maybe their adorable grandchildren.


Lesson Learned.

Starting over again now. Blogging EVERY DAY. AGAIN.

May 27 will be the day that lives in my memory forever. (Or for as long as I am able to hold onto my memories.) The day my blogging streak died.


5 thoughts on “I Hate Holidays”

  1. I’m totally envisioning one of those “___ DAYS WITH NO INJURIES” signs, only about days spent blogging, and you in a Rosie the Riveter outfit, sadly changing the number in front back to 1….

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