BlogHer Does It Again (Warning: Menstruation Ahead)

My periods have been irregular, to put it mildly, for a good long while now. I haven’t actually had a period since JMP was here. I really thought that was going to be my last one… but, I did hold out just a little hope that either seeing Michelle Belle or attending BlogHer Food might, MIGHT, spur a cycle. (Michelle and I are often sort of synced and I almost always menstruate at BlogHer conferences, whether I’m scheduled to or not.)

And today… tada… spotting!

Yippeee! My menopause countdown gets pushed back another month.

Not that I’m not looking forward to my old age (I totally am and have no problems being almost 50) — I just like menstruation. I know, most of you think I’m weird (if you’ve managed to get this far in the post.) I’m ok with you thinking that. I’ll just enjoy this period and we’ll see what happens next month… there is another BlogHer conference in July, you know…

6 thoughts on “BlogHer Does It Again (Warning: Menstruation Ahead)”

  1. Yes you are weird but then my periods were never pleasant as a product of the PCOS.

    Hysterectomy – best thing ever!!! for me at least. 🙂

  2. Ditto the hysterectomy! Despite the “personal summers” I still feel a bit jilted on the menopause train. Periods weren’t pleasant or cyclic, more of a constant. At least I knew when I was going to get a pimple, now they just seem random…as are my cravings for brownies!

  3. “Memories…..” Don’t remember having many missed cycles, but weird spotting….funny how I don’t miss any of that. Of course I’ve got bigger and better things springing up out of nowhere these days. So go ahead and be weird….enjoy the craziness. Period! Besides….50? You’re just a pup. ~Joy

  4. Never did understand why you liked periods but to each her own! My last period was tax day, April 15 this year. I have been carrying period stuff with me in the event its not my last period but I’m so hoping it was!! Maybe you’ll be like me and 50 won’t bring an end to your periods quite yet. I have started to have hot flashes in the last month. They are not so bad. I think I will be able to march to menopause without taking any medications to endure it.

  5. Left out a key bit of info in my last comment. I’m 52. So I got 2 years of periods after I turned 50.

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