Damn Dog

Yea, I’m blaming the damn dog for me missing ANOTHER day of blogging this month. Gah.

This will probably be the last time I blame that particular dog for anything… which is weird. I’m so used to blaming him for stuff that I’m all out of sorts at not having him around to blame.


Really though, I didn’t blog because my day was muddled. I’m not good with things being muddled. I like my routine. Waking up to a dead dog throws the entire day out of whack and I never managed to recover.

Which is also how we found ourselves at Chic-Fil-A last night for dinner.

Chic-Fil-A is not close to us (though the one we went to last night is closer than the one we usually go to.) Normally, it’s a big deal to take that much time away from work/home and go to Chic-Fil-A — never a spur of the moment sort of thing. Well last night, I said what the hell, the day could not get any more muddled.


Here’s hoping we can get back on track with our lives. Soon.

Though I suppose that won’t happen if we find ourselves with a new dog ….

Yea. I said new dog…

Yea. We’re crazy.

Damn dog.