Back to Normal

Another BlogHer event in the record books and life returns to normal.

Bags are unpacked. Swag is (mostly) put away. Laundry is laundering. Spam is cleared (except, of course, the spam is never really cleared — there’s always more, darn it.) And, the real indicator of normalcy — I’ve been playing Words With Friends at my pre-conference level.

I haven’t played Candy Crush in almost a week — how long can I go before it sucks me back in? It took three weeks, after BlogHer Food. If I can hold out until Jenn and JMP arrive, I might just beat the Candy Crush addiction.

Pray for me.

9 thoughts on “Back to Normal”

  1. Want to put my laundry away, since you’ve been practising?

    Normal. I’m wondering if I’ve ever encountered it.

  2. I am now terrified of Candy Crush. It is fear and fear only that keeps me from downloading it!

  3. Oh, wow, you’re good at getting squared away back into normalcy right after getting home. I still have frightening amounts of unpacking to do. I just woke up from crashing on my bed.

  4. My dad dropped us off at home and we turned around to attend a family function.

    Last time I travelled I didn’t completely unpack for about 3 weeks. I need you to be closer to me!!!!

  5. I was stuck on Candy Crush Level 46 for WEEKS before #BlogHer13. Then after a week without playing, I went on and passed it ON THE FIRST TRY. Not only that, I passed the next levels on the first try and am now on Level 51 waiting for 24 hours to pass so I can attempt the next quest. 3 quests to get a try at the next level. Every time I’m stuck, I get more obsessed with playing and fail miserably. When I walk away and see it with fresh eyes, I succeed. Almost a metaphor for life or at least writing! 😉 It was fantastic meeting you, Denise!

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