
Well hell. Most of my big plans for my day without TW didn’t happen.

I decided it was dumb to make (non) poison caramel apple bites when I could buy six caramel apples for $1.79. So I bought them instead. Which was good since I didn’t seem able to get much of anything else done today, there’s have been no time to make them even if I’d wanted to.

Don’t get me wrong, I did a great many things — I grocery shopped (at 5 stores), I folded laundry (and put it away), I did dishes (several times), I cleaned up after puppies (more times than I can remember.) I watched six episodes of Dawson’s Creek and I did work on JMP’s stocking.

I’ve read about 3 pages of one graphic novel, gah. And the house looks like I never cleaned up after the puppies a single time. Buster… is very puppy-like and is into EVERYTHING ALL OF THE TIME. Gah.

I also tried to take a nap (twice) but the damn bed is freezing without TW and the puppies did nothing to keep me warm so my naps were pretty sleepless which means I’m exhausted and it’s only 8:43.

I’ve done quite a lot of work, which is good since my tomorrow will be nuts with driving of all of the people to all of the places but that’s ok, TW will be HOME tomorrow and she can take over puppy duty and I can relax with my graphic novels then.

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