I’m Thankful For PTO and Clean Floors

I’m on PTO right now (paid time off) which I almost didn’t take because our original plan to go to Lake Geneva for a couple of days got sidelined by the adoption of Buster. All of the funds for a mini vacation went to his adoption, his vet bills, his extra dog food and all of the darn toys he eats. (Well mostly Skeeter eats them after she takes them away from him, which causes him to need more toys for Skeeter to take away and eat. Vicious cycle.)

I decided to go ahead and take the PTO because gah, all of the things have become ALL OF THE THINGS and I figured I could at the very least sleep a little later, read a few more books, work on JMP’s stocking, take the dogs to the dog park, get some stuff to the post office and maybe even do something fun in the city with TW.

I’m not sure how many of those things I’ll get done but they’re all still on the table. But first, I realized I needed to do some housework. There was no way I could sit in the living room and watch Dawson’s Creek (or Superman) marathons and work on the stocking while the living room was trashed with aforementioned dead dog toys and all of the sand tracked in by these mutts from our backyard sand pit.

So I’ve spent the morning on that. It didn’t take much more than an hour to do the floors in the cold room, office, kitchen, our bedroom, our bathroom, the dining room and the family room. The Dyson DC56 makes it pretty quick and easy. I was feeling all good about how clean everything was and getting ready to turn on the first of my tv marathon when I realized Buster was covered in mud.

Of course he is.

It’s raining and he was outside trying to chase Skeeter around the mud pit in the backyard. My clean floors will only be clean for about another ten minutes so I’m probably going to have to do the floors again tomorrow morning before I settle in with the stocking and the video marathon watching.

Thank goodness for PTO, right?

2 thoughts on “I’m Thankful For PTO and Clean Floors”

  1. Our backyard is a muddy swamp for at least a week after rain. Max loves it.

    I had just put clean sheets on the bed when Max ran in the doggy door (located in my bedroom) and jumped on the bed with his muddy paws.


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