Thank You, Knitters

I’m freezing and it’s not even Thanksgiving, yet.

I’m wearing a pair of socks that Sharon knit for me. And, a pair of socks my mom knit for me. Yes. Two pairs of knitted socks. At one time.

I’m wearing the fingerless gloves my mom made for me. (Well not right this second because Buster was trying to eat them so I took them off for a few minutes and left them in the office, where I’m not working – which is another post entirely. I need to get up and go get them because my hands are freezing, again.)

I hate socks and I hate gloves but I am very, very thankful that some people like me enough to gift me with both, (not to mention the hat and scarf TW knit for me that I’ve pulled out to start wearing in the mornings when we go to Starbucks). I’m pretty sure I would not survive in Chicagoland without the things people have knitted for me.