You might have already read about this on BlogHer, since I wrote about challenges over there yesterday… whatevs. I’ve got to have it here, too, since I’ll end up referring to it a zillion times over the next few years.
- The Cybils Shortlist Challenge
- TBR Pile Challenge (my goal is 12)
- Audiobook Challenge (my goal is 12)
- Prequel/Sequel Challenge (I don’t have a firm goal, I just know I need to make an effort to catch up.)
- My overall goal for 2014… 300 books. That’s going to be a stretch for me.
My goal for 2013 was 125 books but I ended up reading only 99. I set my 2014 goal for the same amount this year, 125 books. I’m not signing up for any specific reading challenges though.
I made it to 44 in 2013, which was a record breaker for me, and I thank you and TW and Karen B for the kick in the pants to start reading again. I’m shooting for 60 this year. 300? omg. I wish I had time, and better eyes! 🙂