
How come there are some days when I just can’t get anything done and then there are other days when I get EVERYTHING done? What is the secret to having more days like today and fewer days like, all the other days when I don’t manage to get anything (except work) done at all.

Oh. It’s that whole work thing, isn’t it? Darn. I need more weekends and fewer weekdays or something.

I’m kind of psyched for the holiday tomorrow and hoping for another day when I get EVERYTHING on my to do list — DONE. Even if most of what’s on my to do list is to clean the damn house. Lofty goal, I know — with three dogs and three prairie dogs and TW’s quilt-in-progress, it won’t be easy but dammit — I’m gonna do it.

And, I’m going to finish two books tomorrow and I’m going to work on JMP’s stocking for at least an hour. I’m also not going to WORK at all. Not one bit. None. Nada. Zip.

See — lofty goals for President’s Day. Pray for me.

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