Granddddddddd Opening and Boy, I’m Tired

I did not get any sleep last night. Well, I got some but not enough. Let’s not talk about that anymore, though. It makes me grouchy and I’m trying to overcome grouchy because it’s been a pretty darn good day.

TW and I went to the grand opening of Mariano’s today. Crazy. A grocery store grand opening? Me? Really? Yes, really. And it was fun. We spent too much money on interesting (and also yummy) things. We’ll try harder the next time, to stick to my normally thrifty only what’s on the list AND on sale sort of ways. DOUBLE freaking COUPONS on Wednesdays? How awesome IS THAT? Totally awesome. Can’t wait.

In other good news, Michelle belle sorted out an insurance problem AND she finally managed to find a dentist and get an appointment. That’s been a pain for her so I’m glad things are moving along the right path, finally. Also, thank God for insurance.

More good news — TW’s check came, right about the time I’d decided it was going to be a month late and we would be back to scrounging pennies (OK not really, just pulling money from savings) while we waited for it to arrive.

Also good, a present I ordered for her finally arrived or I think that’s what is waiting for us at the post office. We’ll find out for sure tomorrow. I hope it’s cool. I hope she likes it.

There are books I’ve been waiting ages for at the library waiting for us to pick them up and I’m excited about that. Flavia freaking de Luce, y’all!

And, JMP was busy talking to Grandmaaaaaa today. If I wasn’t already in a fairly good (though tired) mood, that would sure to cheer me right up.

Click to see the video.

I would, however, like to just call it a day right now and go to sleep for a very long darn time. So. Tired.

2 thoughts on “Granddddddddd Opening and Boy, I’m Tired”

  1. Hold the phone. Is that a donut with fruit loops on top? I was so distracted by the sugary yumness that I originally spelled “fruit” like “froot.” Please tell me they had chocolate donuts with lucky charms on top. *swoon*

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