Be My Enemy

Remember when I said Planesrunner was really not my favorite kind of scifi? Yea, I should have remembered that when I reserved the second book in the series, Be My Enemy. It was so hard to get into. So confusing. Even after I settled into the two Everetts, I struggled and skimmed a lot of the confusing science mumbo jumbo. I need my science to feel at least a little like magic and not so much like impossible science.

But, I did like it. Really. I just didn’t love it. And I do want to know what happens next so I’ll probably slog through book three at some point.

Oddly enough, TW is struggling with it too. I told her it gets easier once you sort out the alters but still she’s struggling.

1 thought on “Be My Enemy”

  1. I didn’t really like it very much even after I got it. I think I’d like to just read the spoiler version of the last book in a review.

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