Patient Zero

I need to go wander around the internet and try to find a character list for the Rot & Ruin series and compare it to the characters in Patient Zero. Some of these people are those people, right? Also, I found myself wondering whether there were discrepancies or I was not remembering Rot & Ruin correctly. I hate that, lol.

I very much enjoyed Patient Zero — and I’m super glad Texasebeth mentioned it a couple of months ago!

1 thought on “Patient Zero”

  1. Yay for you mentioning Rot and Ruin ages ago to me!

    Yes the characters all intersect with Jonathan Maberry’s other books. Iron Mike is featured in Ghost Road Blues trilogy. St John the knife guy is explained in Dead of Night. There is constant interaction in the other Joe Ledger books with characters crossing series and books.

    If you find a master list of characters let me know!

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