Winter: Cricket and Grey

I had hoped to finish Winter: Cricket and Grey during #readathon but I was just way too tired — particularly since Cricket’s dead mother started talking to her and I was all Huh? Good thing I put it down and picked it up fresh the next day. Things made so much more sense once I’d had a few hours of sleep.

I’m a post-apocalyptic fiction fan, and I especially liked this one. The world was different but not so different that it was unrecognizable (or unbelievable.) Health care… you think it’s a mess now, just wait til we run out of oil…

I’m not sure Hesse was quite creepy enough, when it all came down to it in the end. I expected to be a lot more creeped out than I was. I’m looking forward to the next book (so get busy, Angelina!)

1 thought on “Winter: Cricket and Grey”

  1. Yeah, I can see how I could have made him more creepy. Good to keep in mind for book two. Doing plot work on it right now but I admit my mind has been wandering off to other stories too.

    T says you think this is borderline YA – which my mom also said. I don’t get it. Cricket is 26 and Grey is 30 so they’re not even “new adults”. What made it feel like YA?

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