2 Non-Fiction (cooking and gardening?)

Did I mention the the non-fiction new arrivals are back downstairs where they belong? Heh. This means I’ve got all the fun non-fiction, just picked up because it looked interesting and because I love non-fiction.

First up, a cookbook. A cookbook I loved but TW made bad faces over. Heh. Stuffed: The Ultimate Comfort Food Cookbook. My kind of cookbook. Stuff all the yummy things with more yummy things! I’ve added The Food In My Beard to my feedreader (he wrote this book.)

Next, a book I want to buy but TW kind of rolled her eyes over. LOL. 5 Plant Gardens. I want all the gardens, with all of the plants (well with just five plants in each garden, of course. duh.)

1 thought on “2 Non-Fiction (cooking and gardening?)”

  1. They moved our new fiction and non-fiction right by the front door. They had been using that shelf for special displays and new stuff was the shelf behind it. I’m happy they bumped it back to the front. 🙂

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