So there’s a theme for this year’s Blog For Choice Day. The theme is "why are you pro-choice"? I think the simple answer to that would be another question – "why would I be anti-choice"?
I wouldn’t be. I couldn’t be. It’s wrong for me to decide what’s right for YOUR body, what’s right for YOU. I get to choose what’s right for me, you get to choose what’s right for you. That’s it, end of story. No shades of grey. Not one.
A few months ago, I was laying in bed with the laptop – probably reading blogs or writing a blog post – when I heard a knock at the door and a voice saying "Can I talk to you?" I hate it when the big kids do that. It’s never good news they want to share. It always means something’s gone wrong, or there’s some drama they need to talk out. I sighed. I grumbled about hating it when they do that. I got an apology but when I opened the door I saw the 1/2 child standing there looking like he’d lost his best friend.
Someone he cares a lot about was pregnant. He was sad and angry and confused and he wanted to make everything right. He wanted to know if she could have an abortion – she’s under age and we live in the horrid "parental consent state" (I hate parentel consent laws.). We discussed this young woman’s options and before I knew it – he was planning what she was going to do.
Hoooooooooold on a minute dude. This is not your choice. This is not your body. This is not your life. You did not even impregnate this girl and you’re thinking you have the right to make these decisions for her? I am glad you want to HELP her. I am glad you’ll do whatever it takes to make these things happen for her. But dude, do you even know what she wants to do? Because she has three options. And SHE is the one who gets to choose. Until you know what she chooses, you can’t be sitting here making plans.
It’s easy for even the most well-meaning, kind-hearted of people to take control – to take choice away – to think they know what’s best. It’s far too easy.
Yes, I’m pro-choice. How could I be anything else?
well said. very, very well said. thank you.
This is a fabulous commentary. Thank you for sharing it. Being pro-choice isn’t easy when you are surrounded by conservatives but you summed it up: how can I make decisions for someone else? Thank you for sharing the conversation with 1/2. It gives me insight as my own child approaches the tweens. Best, Pink
Sorry I missed this yesterday. Sorry I wouldn’t have had time yesterday or today to properly blog about it.
Thank you for saying everything I would have said.
(This has sometimes been a big issue of discussion here as my older son takes a completely different stance on this than I do and how I raised him. There’s more to this debate between he and I and hopefully I’ll blog about it properly someday.)
It’s so simple to me.
I missed blogging it this year although I don’t know what I would have said that would have been different from last year.