A Quirky Meme

Adrienne did it again, she tagged me for another meme. Apparently she has not learned that I ask the questions I do not ANSWER them. Grrrr! This one is even harder than the last one because I am not quirky! I have no weird personality quirks! I am PERFECT! Here goes nothing….

1) I do not like people in my kitchen when I am in there – cooking or cleaning. I don’t like it and I’ve been known to say “GET OUT OF MY DAMN KITCHEN!” if people are in there and in my way for more than a few moments. Even when I’ve had a relatively decent sized kitchen (which I don’t right now) I don’t like it. I think I get this from my mother…

2) Michelle reminded me that I have spent quite some time taking photos of bathrooms. Apparently neither she or TW can enter an interesting bathroom without wishing they had a camera so they could take a photo for my “collection”.

3) I was (and in some circles still am) known for taking BUTT SHOTS of online friends who I have had the pleasure of meeting in person. That’s not quirky, is it?

4) I have a thing for front doors. I’ve passed that along to my kids. Jenn in particular, I think. We all notice the front doors of a house first thing and when we see an interesting one, we’re quick to point it out. Front doors are important.

5) When I see a Beanie Baby that has the tag torn off, I cringe. Defacing Beanie Babies is bad. Really bad. Nobody should do it. Ever. For any reason. Even if you have a two year old with a beanie, you shouldn’t do it. In fact two year olds shouldn’t have them because they aren’t old enough to be careful with the tags! Again, not quirky, just common sense!

OK I’m heading off to tag five people – Koan, Karen, Katie, RE (If I can find her blog) and LJ this time I think….

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7 thoughts on “A Quirky Meme”

  1. Pingback: Multidimensional.Me

  2. You’re doing much better than I am. I still haven’t posted answers to the seven meme, but have promised Adrienne that I will do much better with this one. I’m not sure if I’m grateful that someone has responded to Adrienne’s request, or concerned that you’re just making me look bad. 😉

  3. hey!I hate people in the kitchen especially when am cooking too.I just hate it.So I usually cook at night when everyone has gone to sleep..like around midnight when am in the mood:)

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