Booking Through Thursday

On Friday….

Booking Through Thursday

Reach out a hand, and grab the book that is closest to you. Turn to page 231, or pick a page at random if the book isn’t that long. Locate the first sentence of the last paragraph on that page.

  1. Type the sentence here: From "Emotionally Weird"…  There was a small knot of relatives of the deceased who, unlike the residents of The Anchorage – all of whom were clearly veteran funeral-goers – did not possess mourning outfits and were self-consciously attired in plums and greys and navy blues.
  2. Does the sentence make sense out of context?   Makes sense to me.
  3. Does reading the sentence make you want to read the rest of the book? Why or why not? That’s one hell of a long sentence, isn’t it? I’m not sure it makes me want to read the book but I am always interested in funerals and veteran funeral-goers.

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12 thoughts on “Booking Through Thursday”

  1. Fun meme! Am stealing it today (even though yes, it’s still Friday, not waiting for next Thursday). I really enjoyed Emotionally Weird, sorta idiosyncratic and “po-mo.” And there’s more depth there than at first glance…about storytelling, the nature of truth.

  2. I like the Booking Through Thursday meme – obviously since it’s the only “regularly scheduled meme” that I do on this blog. 🙂

    My g/f really liked Emotionally Weird too – and as of today, I’m still only on the first page (plus that first sentence of the last paragraph on page 231, lol)

    Thanks for stopping by.

  3. My book does not have 231 pages so I am going backwards and picking page 132… 1)”Her hands on my bare arm or my cheek were cool and dry and she smelled spicy from the perfume that she dotted behind her large ears.”
    2) yes
    3)Not so much…hmmm.

  4. Hmmm…why the hatred for Fat Girl? I’m not completely finished-only 1/4 left. Is it just you don’t like to read about fat people or that it is their problems you don’t like or will I find out at the end of the book? 😮 This book is a small way to understanding ‘fat’ people- to see that in ways they are suffering and most aren’t happy with the way they are but for psychological and emotional reasons- eating is a way to protect themselves from the world. Sad but sometimes true. I feel bad for Judith because I have wonderful parents and I can see how she longs for a family life- a father who looks at her with love and a mother who brushes her hair and tells her how sweet she is. Not her reality of a bitchy mother who beats her senseless. Judith never had anyone tell her in her whole life.. “I Love You.” That’s gotta hurt.

  5. Long comments are good, lol. You can read my review of it here (apparently I disabled html so if you click the women category tag, and scroll down, you’ll see Fat Girl reviewed there) – check out the comments by TW and Katie, too.

    I appreciated it in some ways but I felt absolutely no sympathy for Judith at all. Weird because I understand abuse and understand neglect. I know what that does to people but I found nothing redeeming left in Judith at all. Nothing.

  6. I finished ‘Fat Girl’ last night. I felt pretty bad for her most of the book but see in the last 1/4 of the book why a person would hate it. She basically did nothing to change herself and her habits. Then the period thing, the playing with herself and the breaking and entering deal…turned into a regular weirdo. I liked the book but I could have done without the ending. Also critics said it was a humorous read, I didn’t laugh. Not once. 🙂

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