The Wright 3

We really enjoyed listening to Chasing Vermeer so I was very much looking forward to listening to The Wright 3. I am a Wright fan, TW is not so much, so that was an added bonus for me and not so much for her. We listened to it on the way to Lakeland on Friday and then on the way home on Sunday and finished it up today on the drives to and from work. It was good. Lots of fun and full of math and coincidences and art and mystery.

I would love to live in the Robie… as a kid I always preferred the Fallingwater house but now I think the Robie would be more interesting. It would probably drive me nuts before the first dust bunnies settled under the bed though.

Oh and speaking of coincidences… I didn’t realize Florida Southern was in Lakeland or that there were Wright buildings there… was it a coincidence or was there some hidden meaning… we didn’t find a talisman or a copy of The Invisible Man so probably just a coincidence…

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9 thoughts on “The Wright 3”

  1. Jorge Eyzaguirre

    Furthermore, I got to read biography after another on the man, some sordid, some ingenuos, too many superficial and even unreal. I have been to Chicago, where I could verify a little of what I have investigated these last 24 years pursuing the issue. To know the man and his time is to suddenly recognize that THERE IS A FUTURE to this kind of architecture, if we trascend certain “limitationing” fences placed by temoral historians and see the genius come back full of life. “Limiting” would be placing limits, bounrdaries. That’s just fine. In my coinage, “limitationing” would be FRAMING the mind inside iron box thot processes and not allowing things to become creatively practical. Someone I read said enjoyed Fallingwater but would love to live in Robie. Wonderful! But there is greatly far more than Robie yet to be done.

  2. Jorge Eyzaguirre

    What we need to remember about Frank Lloyd Wright is that he is NO PRARIE STYLE ARCHITECT. His was incorporated into the Prarie Style because that was the time many people seem to have been doing things like the ones he did and amazingly similar, belonging to that time. Yet it is truly Wright whose designs become astonishingly time-breaking. timeless, trascendent and eventfully appear in our yards today as 21st century architecture if you didn’t look at its date. It would not even be a 1909-model, like Robie. If you stand next to Robie, walk around Robie and look behind the Robie, by looking into the brick and the remodelling carefully, you would believe it’s a pretty old house. By looking at it with present day eyes and present day desires and productions, you find Robie has no place-time location. It is eternally beautiful…

  3. Jorge Eyzaguirre

    If someone could tell me how to post photos here, I would like to share with you certain things that I am sure people would love to see. Not so tiny photos tho. And a couple of sites that make this life worth while.
    Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpieces are so timeless, you could haul in a 22nd century… I dunno… Star-Trek dressed astronaut figure in a supercharged air-gas latest model Ford Bronco and the house would still stand the test of time’s aesthetics.

  4. Jorge Eyzaguirrej

    Why go thru the trouble of speaking about all this? In following FLW, one becomes a little like him. One thing Wright was very well known for was being a participative, outspoken democracy-believing citizen. He was well convinced that each of you reading these words now and alive today, 2006, have difficulties in life but are worthy to be americans and proud to have been born wherever you may be from. His was the profession of dignity and human values and principles that caused his severe discipline towards architecture to transform it all into a meat-grinder that would chop hardships and painstaking task-complying and endless hours of work in one end and produce pleasure and joy, gladness and happiness on the other, but throughout, wholesomely and absolutely. What a life he lived!

  5. Hi Jorge, you can’t post photos in comments. Do you have a blog of your own? That would be a good place to post these things and then you could share a link here in the comments.

  6. Jorge Eyzaguirrej

    Why not make a blog for this myself? Why… that isn’t very democratic is it? If we have this one, enrichen it all of you! We don’t need more taxis. We need the ones we have to be more efficient. We don’t need more of anything. All we need to do is make what we have work better! At least, Organic Architecture believes that what you have is all you need. Of course you can be better off with some more, but the challenge is to use what you’ve got. If you have a lot, a piece of land, don’t go looking for an ideal one out of town where it’s far and pretty badly serviced. Patience is virtue (Warren Buffet)and that’s what makes investors great. What you’ve got you’ve got. Maybe it really is a down and out lot some unholy where. But maybe not. When Robie House was built, it was nearly a dump… And it never enjoyed popularity. Just a decade ago, the two churches across the street (one is a theological seminary) have tried for almost a century to tear the “ugly, non-Victorian” house down. And there still are not enough voices out here to say “How dare you!”

  7. Jorge Eyzaguirrej

    Maybe you want to contact me. probably a little more “to yourself” at But still, I will do my best to answer you from here. Why? Again, to give you ALL the opportunity to speak up, speak put and thrust yourselves into new beginnings. This must be the rule of your life: New beginnings, new paradigms are where we start off like Wright did: looking into the future… very far way into it…
    OVER AND OUT for now…

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