Trigger, Trigger, Trigger

The only thing I can say about Girls of a Tender Age is that is one trigger after another.  Wait, I can say one other thing and it isn’t good.  Why would anyone read this book? Why did I read it?  Bad guy abuses and/or rapes very young girls and kills one in the process.  There was no mystery involved, we knew right off the bat that this guy was bad and he did the deed (or several deeds).  There was no redeeming social commentary.  It was just a recap of this horrible story, plain and simple.  Nothing we haven’t seen for ourselves or read in a newspaper.  It was almost boring, it was so normal and that is probably what bugs me most.  Don’t read it.  There’s just no reason to do so.

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3 thoughts on “Trigger, Trigger, Trigger”

  1. That’s what so often happens with books like these. Whether it’s psychos or sex, it all becomes tedious after a while and you really don’t want to spend your time reading on. I have a number of volumes that somehow have this flaw and they all remain browsed, sometimes begun, but most of the time unread. When it involves rape, abuse and especially children you wonder how the author managed to get it written in the first place.

  2. Hey napfisk, I know how they get it written and I don’t generally find those types of books so troubling – triggering yes, but … It’s hard for me to explain why this one bothered me so much. I know I’m not getting my point across very well, I think it’s something related to my personal experience with this topic and my expectations about how these stories should be told.

    Monkey, keep it off of your list. There are better books. Lots better.

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