Daily Dose of Pet Peeves – I hate “I Heart…”

Why do grown men and women, women in particular, insist in saying “I heart ______ ” in their blogs and in their emails and in their AIM messages and in their message board posts? They don’t even make a heart like my pal Karen did in her comments about Starbucks yesterday. I could live with that, it doesn’t bug me at all. But typing out “I heart Johnny Depp” or “I heart iTunes” or “I heart my cat” just makes no freaking sense.

It’s worse than kids who use an odd mix of uPPer AnD lOwEr CaSe or use numbers instead of letters (my teen does this all of the darn time to me on AIM – CUL8R -). Kids, I can see doing this sort of thing but it’s the grown-ups who do it that drive me to want to say mean things in their blog comments, put them on my ignore list on message boards or ban them from the internet foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr. And while I can’t do any of those things, I can and I have unsubscribed from some blogs because of the frequent use of that phrase and there are some more blogs on my soon to be unsubscribed to list if they don’t quit it. Once, I can live with but once a week is pushing it and once a day is too much to handle!

If it was the movie, “I Heart Huckabees” that caused this trend then they have some answering to do. If it wasn’t that, then what was it? I really want to know!

Why, why, why do people do this? I H8 “I heart”!!!!!

1 thought on “Daily Dose of Pet Peeves – I hate “I Heart…””

  1. LOL, that is pretty funny since my pet community is called I Heart Paws. However, I think I may have an answer for you. In NYC we have those classic T-shirts that say I <3 NY, right? Instead of saying love a lot of people say heart... because it sounds funny.

    I truly think this started with the I Heart NY shirts... honest. I would never talk like that in sentence or write in on blogs etc... though I did find it to be a cute website name... especially since I live in NYC.

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