Six Children’s Books…

JMP came for a sleepover/Grandma Camp, so we read a bunch of children’s books:

Pete the Cat: Three Bite Rule because JMP is a picky eater and also sometimes needs to be coaxed to try things that are new to him. This was a fun book and he was willing to try a few “new” foods when we sang, “three bite rule!”

– Because I knew TW was going to talk to him about planning/planting their garden, I grabbed The Rosy, Fat, Magenta Radish and Big Red Barn from our shelves and The Carrot Seed from the library. (TW and Pippin actually planted carrots and radishes yesterday!)

– We read How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World and attempted (badly) to make some paper airplanes from The Kids’ Guide to Paper Airplanes.