Vanity Fair – Page 395

Someone tell me why Vanity Fair is on my Summer Reading Challenge? Because a little more than halfway through it, I’m feeling like I’d rather go back to The Moonstone. Seriously, why do people enjoy this book? Why is it on that really interesting Lifetime Reading List? Why is it on all sorts of “great books” lists?

Someone give me a nudge, say something positive about this book. Pretty Please.

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6 thoughts on “Vanity Fair – Page 395”

  1. You know, I attempted reading that book a couple of years ago. I really did, and only managed to get about a third of the way through it. It’s still sitting on my bookshelf waiting for me to finish it now… I hate leaving books not done.

  2. That book has been sitting on my shelf for ages! I was considering reading it as part of the Summer Reading Challenge, myself. Now, you may have scared me off of it.

    In my defense, I am reading War and Peace and I think that earns me a lot of book karma

  3. Ha! The barristas at Starbucks talked about not liking the movie – they didn’t even know it was a book! And those are UF students! Gah!

    Fausti, Forget I complained about Vanity Fair. I don’t even want to think about War & Peace!

  4. Damn, you’re still working on that reading challenge? Have you read anything fun? Never even got through the first fifty pages on this one.

  5. LOL @ Katie, yes I’ve read some fun things and some really good things. Most of them weren’t on the challenge list though.

    I’m taking a wee break to read something fun and then I’ll get back to it.

    I’m hoping to have made a bigger dent in the list by August 1st… we’ll see though. 😉

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