Daily Chicken Cam: Tiny Roo

A couple of days ago, I was out at the chicken coops by myself (or maybe with a dog or two, but TW was definitely not with me.) I was working on Big Bird’s roost and rehanging the xylophone when Tiny Roo tried out his crowing on me. It was the most amusing, pathetic little crowing you’ve ever heard in your life and I laughed and laughed. I told TW later that it sounded like a 14 year old who’s voice was just starting to do that cracking thing that it does. Unfortunately, the Coop Cam didn’t seem to catch his performance.

Well this morning I was out at Big Bird’s coop (by myself again) when I heard the distinct sound of a teenage rooster trying to crow. All of the roos were under their coop watching me but none (except Mrs. Kravitz, of course) were standing still so that I could figure out who it was that was making all that ruckus. I was pretty sure it was Tiny Roo but I could not confirm.

So I noted the time and while I waited for everyone to be ready to leave the house, I looked at the main Coop Cam (the only one with sound) to see if that teenager was caught in the act. Within seconds, there he was… Tiny Roo.

Turn on your sound, click this link, and enjoy his serenade. Or his warning. I dunno which it is. But so far, he seems only to crow at me. lol.