#Readathon: Opening Survey

(Why does my blog look weird? A question for another day…apparently. Ugh.)

It’s that time again! I’m not sure what’s going to happen today but I intend to do not much more than read, eat, nap, and wrangle dogs. Probably more wrangling of dogs than anything else, but I’m here for the reading. Sort of.

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?

Still here in Keystone Heights, FL – where the COVID-19 infection rate is high and the belief in science is low.

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?

Band of Sisters, which is what I’m starting with.

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?

Gin Cornichons.

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!

I’m tired. I’m very tired.

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?

This is my zillionth readathon and the difference this time around is I’m going with all e-books – I don’t believe that has ever happened to me before! (I’ll likely go track down a print book from the shelves just because typing this is making me twitchy.)

Also, and more importantly, I’m very tired and very stressed out. That makes for a different type of readathon. But hey, all readathons are good readathons. Let’s do this!

2 thoughts on “#Readathon: Opening Survey”

  1. The only thing that looks a little bit off to me about your blog is a lot of white space on the left maybe? But it’s the content that matters and so far your opening survey wins for being the most entertaining and witty. The part about being twitchy!!! lol

    Curious about the gin cornichons!

    Happy reading!

  2. You’re correct Jinjer, the padding is weird on the sides – not enough on the right, too much on the left. I was also really sort of talking about the back end of writing a post – the entire design changed between the last time I blogged and this morning. I hate change.

    The gin cornichons are interesting. Pretty decent considering my partner found them at Walmart. I slice some up thin and put them on my sub, for starters. Looking forward to trying them with some cheese slices and crackers later!

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