Finally! My bookshelves are sorted by color! My final birthday gift has happened and I love it. I loved doing it with Chris and Jenn (Michelle boycotted). I loved arguing about discussing which color each book was with them. I was completely amused when Jenn said, “Ya know, I feel like I want to read an orange book now.” She’s right, if you sit there and look at it for a bit, a color jumps out at you and you really do feel like you need to read a “color”. Very amusing. Very interesting.
And I do not have enough bookshelves – some books didn’t fit, some didn’t fit in the order we wanted them to go in so they’re not “perfect”. Some books are in a hidden cabinet. We didn’t even touch the books under TW’s desk. I need more shelves, lots more shelves. But I already knew that.
I wonder how long I will enjoy them this way. When will I get sick of the color-codedness of them and beg bribe Michelle to put them back to their original sortedness (by fiction/non-fiction and alphabetized by author).
This was a GREAT birthday gift. I highly recommend the experience.
Purty! Very exciting!
That’s an interesting way of sorting your books. Mine happen to be arranged in teetering stacks on various chairs around the house, while my to-be-read stack is on the floor by the desk. Then there are more books on the desk, a few by the bed, and a couple lying on tables. I like to think I’m an organized guy.
Wow! I’m glad you got that wish! That’s what birthdays should be all about. I can see where it will eventually get confusing, though. Like the first time you want a specific book and can’t remember the color, LOL!
I have SOME of my books semi-sorted. I have separate shelves for Hawaiiana, kid lit, religion & spirituality,general reference books, books of quotes, gardening books & such. All of the books from the BC group are in one place (except for strays that get away from me) and are in TBR order so I won’t withold any given title from the group for too long. What’s a real mess are the books that I acquired to register & rlease & then never got around to. There’s boxes & stacks & shelves of those all over the house.
Oh, and all of my pest control books are reasonably well organized and in my office. I guess those are the ones I do best with, organization-wise.
Here’s the thing – our books weren’t organized. Michelle tried, to organize fiction/non-fiction and then by author but there are too many books. And we never put the new books on the shelf in the right place ’cause there was no room. So, we could NEVER find any book we wanted, EVER.
If we had a REAL library… but we don’t…
This new thing, it’s not about organization. It’s art and presentation.
We still won’t be able to find books, sometimes, but we’re better at remembering covers than we are titles or authors and at least now it’s pretty and something to talk about and think about. 🙂
“This new thing, it’s not about organization. It’s art and presentation.”
That works.
Very pretty, rainbowish. Although it would make it harder for me to find a title when it’s among like books. But I imagine I’d see things I forgot I had. What a great family project and present.
I love the color arranging. I need to get some pretty bookshelves and do this. You may want to check out Lotus Reads who did this arrangement recently, too.
Hi, Denise
Thank you for the visit! And thank you booklogged for directing Denise to my blog 🙂
Love how your kidw have done your shelves – what a cool birthday gift! Was it also your observation that there were far too many books with white and black spines and not enough blues and yellows? 🙂
Huge thanks to booklogged for pointing me to Lotus Reads (I have been visiting all of the bloggers I can find who did the color thing and I had missed that one).
We had a lot of blues but no there were not nearly enough yellows. There were far too many whites and blacks but I attribute that to a lot of non-fiction. (Particularly the white)
When we go to the Friends of the Library book sale, we are not buying anymore white or black spined books! We will be searching for more orange and yellow and pink and purple! Heh