Reading Lists

Outlaw Bible – Poetry? Literature?

I am not sure how it happened but somehow the Outlaw Bible of American Literature ended up on my library reserve list. I picked it up a couple of weeks ago but didn’t look at it until today. Now I’m wondering if some of this and some pieces from the Outlaw Bible of American Poetry wouldn’t be good choices for Michelle this year.

Have any of you read either of these? Know anyone who has? I’m tempted to say we need to own both of these…

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High School Literature

Michelle is home! Besides the phone ringing off the hook, kids going in and out at all times, the interrupting of our weekend naps and the smell of popcorn this means that we’re back in homeschool mode!

Michelle did school all summer via FLVS but she didn’t do a full blown “curriculum”. The problem with her being gone all summer is that we didn’t really get much planning done for the year. TW and I have some ideas – journaling and world religion – but Michelle really needs to give her input into the literature she’s going to read for the next nine months.

We’ve got some books on the list, leftover from last year, and a couple that she did choose during the homeschool fair in May but we’re still short a good six books or so.

Here’s what we know Michelle will be reading:

  • A Clockwork Orange
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • Anthem
  • The Scarlet Letter
  • Jane EyreWhat would you want a 10th grader to read if you could choose anything at all? (We need a biography, we need some poetry recommendations – I can’t take another year of Plath – and we haven’t chosen any Shakespeare yet for this year. Keep those in mind as you’re making your suggestions!)

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    Brilliant Women Journal

    I joined a Bookcrossing book ray for something called Brilliant Women Journal and I’m amazed at the book I have sitting in front of me today.

    The entries that those before me have made are incredible. I wasn’t expecting the artwork, the glitter, the stickers, it has some sewn pages for goodness sakes. I’ve had the book for ages. I keep picking it up and reading the passages and pondering which brilliant women I will add to the journal.

    Unfortunately, I can’t decide! All women are brilliant! And I don’t do “favorites” very easily or very well. I have to do something though, I am feeling very guilty for holding onto this for so long and denying others the pleasure I’ve had from picking it up and sifting through its pages about brilliant women, entered by brilliant women.

    Help me out, which brilliant women authors and characters would you include in this journal if it was sitting in front of you?

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    Weekend Reading

    books-002.jpg Sassymonkey posted her TBR list so I thought I’d share a photo of the books on my TBR shelves. There are four more waiting at the library for me and two not on the shelf because TW and I are currently reading them. 😉

    We are going away for the weekend and I expect to get some reading done. Here’s what I just tossed into the suitcase for the weekend (all hardbacks, ugh):
    A Walk in the Woods – Bryson
    Until I Find You – Irving
    The Virgin of Bennington – Norris
    Envy – Harrison
    Never Let Me Go – Ishiguro
    Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close – Foer
    Looking Back – Lowry

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    Reading in Bed…

    I use to hate to read in bed. I’m not exactly sure how that changed, but it has. TW and I spend a lot of time in our eclectic bedroom with my even more eclectic quilt reading and reading and reading. Lately we’ve been spending more time blogging and blogging and blogging but I doubt that will ever take the place of reading real live books.

    I’ve been trying to find a good way to keep track of the books we read. I tried writing in a cool notebook that our friend LJ discovered but that didn’t work so well. I tried keeping amazon lists but that didn’t work well either because amazon listmania doesn’t always work so well. TW started a special blog for tracking books but the software was always down and it constantly took away my right to post a new dog gone entry so I gave that up really quickly.

    The sassy monkey mentioned a blog for books recently and I told her I’d been thinking of doing one. She said do it, so I’m doing it. Surely this will work better than the other things we tried, right?

    So, on with the books…

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