Daily Dose of Stuff – Monday
I haven’t had a child in diapers in more than 10 years. TW hasn’t had a child in diapers in a few years. So why are these sample packs in my house?
No they aren’t leftovers from when E was little. They arrive addressed to me. I get them for the same reason various baby sites around the web send me mail telling me my baby is "9 months old" or I’m in my "2nd trimester" or my "toddler is getting to be as annoying as all…." I get them because my boss regularly sends me out to review these sites and so they have my name, my address and my email address.
They are still in my house because, unlike other samples, I simply cannot throw away perfectly good diapers! It’s wrong! Diapers are expensive! Someone might need them! Forget that I don’t know anyone who needs diapers. Forget that it is unlikely I’ll know anyone who needs diapers til Jenn manages the task. Forget that it is incredibly likely that once I do know someone who needs to diapers I won’t be able to find these until the child moves to the next stage – even though for the last 3 years one of us has always known where the sample diaper boxes are. It’s just the way things work around here. You know exactly where useless stuff is until it becomes useful and then amnesia sets in or someone trying to be helpful moved it.
LJ has a toy in her house and she doesn’t know why. Lee, the creator of this meme, has four cds by someone who shall remain nameless til you go look and doesn’t want to admit why. Why do YOU have THAT in your house? Come on, join the fun!
Technorati Tags: whatisthisdoinginmyhousemonday, meme, stuff, diapers
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