Family Funk

Daily Dose of Christmas Cheer – Bah!

OK this is coming to you courtesy of Heresiology but is dedicated to my friend Karen. Please do read the post, it’s a nice Solstice celebration recap. And at the bottom, this classic…. (Maybe I’ll get the little kids to sing it tonight while I record them on the iRiver…)

‘God rest ye, Unitarians’
To the tune of “God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen”

Gods rest ye, Unitarians, let nothing you dismay;
Remember there’s no evidence there was a Christmas Day;
When Christ was born is just not known, no matter what they say,
O, Tidings of reason and fact, reason and fact,
Glad tidings of reason and fact.

Our current Christmas Customs come from Persia and from Greece,
From solstice celebrations of the ancient Middle East.
This whole darn Christmas spiel is just another pagan feast,
O, Tidings of reason and fact, reason and fact,
Glad tidings of reason and fact.

There was no star of Bethlehem, there was no angels’ song;
There couldn’t have been wise men for the trip would take too long.
The stories in the Bible are historically wrong,
O, Tidings of reason and fact, reason and fact,
Glad tidings of reason and fact!

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Daily Dose of Life – Discardia

Discardia: A floating holiday to celebrate letting go.

I always forget about Discardia until it’s too late. I forgot about it in the fall until Ed talked about it on his blog. I vowed I would not forget next time. And I didn’t!

I have mentioned it to Michelle in passing a couple of times each month. She’s never seemed very interested. Sometimes she’s even done the typical teenage “fine, just throw it all away, I don’t care!” thing and stomped off to her messy room. Not the reaction I was going for, obviously. Discardia is about celebrating letting go, not huffing and puffing and feeling forced into letting go.

I was patient. I was also lucky.

TW and I had been watching Clean Sweep quite a bit and I even had a Clean Sweep Birthday which helped to keep thoughts of clutter reducing fresh in our minds.

That wasn’t enough though. We needed to go further than that. And I do believe Michelle got there all on her own this week.

“Mom, I just realized that 75% of the stuff in my room is stuff I have never needed and never really wanted. I mean it was fun to get gifts. And fun to buy. But most of it I never even used or touched or looked at again.”

So Michelle spent several days really cleaning out her room. She hasn’t gotten rid of all of it. The idea of letting go of the entire kit n caboodle all it once is a little overwhelming, I think. But she hit the point where I hope she’s going to think more about whether she’s truly in need of a particular object or simply in need of something, some intangible something that brings pleasure or piques an interest or simply fills an empty space.

Discardia is a celebration of letting go, indeed.

Nancy White talks about Discardia and reflection on the past and quite a few folks on 43 Things practicing Discardia, too.

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Daily Dose of Holidays – Hide and Seek!

If you were the PERFECT gift for my father, (a Heathkit tshirt purchased weeks and weeks ago), where would you be hiding? Because it is definitely hiding. I’m beginning to think TW has decided it is the perfect gift for her and has hidden it somewhere. I mean heaven forbid I get my father an actual gift that indicates I know something about him. Or actually knew something about him. Because the dad I knew who would have fiddled with his Heathkits and worn the Heathkit t-shirt doesn’t exist anymore. I have no idea what he fiddles with now. (yes I edited this – it sounded like my dad is a pervert or something the way it was originally written, and he is anything but that, sheesh)


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Daily Dose of Holidays – Advent Angst

advent.jpgI have an Avon advent calendar that my ex mil gave me in 1987. It looks exactly like the one in this picture except right now it has a tiny Starbucks reindeer in it instead of the mouse. The mouse is missing. Again. It does that and has always done that. Missing for years much to the dismay of my children only to reappear again a few years later for one trip through the calendar and then back it goes into hiding. We had the mouse last year. This year, no mouse. It’s ok. We make do. But we still say “move the mouse” when we discuss whose turn it is, whose turn it isn’t and whose turn it is never going to be again if you don’t stop whining about that darn mouse.

Did you detect some frustration there? This advent calendar has a history of causing angst amongst my oldest three children and for the last three years it has caused angst among the youngest three.

His highness, Prince J, only causes a stink over it when he wants to annoy another sibling (preferably Princess E or Princess M). He really doesn’t care about the mouse at all. Moving it is like work. Someone else can do it and if they don’t, Christmas still comes. Work for no reason. No thanks.

RJ really doesn’t have advent calendar issues because she is perfect and always bows to the will of any sibling in the room. (she does this because later she can play the martyr role. I know this because it’s a trait often shared by those with October birthdays. Not me of course, but others. Born in October…)

That leaves Princess E. The baby in the family. Those of you who have experience with “the baby in the family” probably understand exactly what has been going on. But there is a twist to the story…

The twist is that Princess E is not the only “baby in the family”. Princess M, generally referred to as Michelle (the 16 year old with the hair), is also the “baby in the family”. These two girls have been having “move the mouse issues” virtually non-stop since the calendar went up. If E moves it to the proper pocket, Michelle will move it back a day and then move it forward – and then tell E she did it later on. E will do the same thing to Michelle. What’s even better is when Michelle comes home at midnight and says “ohhhh it’s tomorrow, I can move the mouse” when she knows it is E’s turn to do it. When E is not here and not going to be here for a few days, and it’s just Michelle, I have to actually REMIND Michelle to move the mouse. She can go days and not think of it but as soon as E is home or coming home, she goes into move the mouse first, last and only mode!

Advent calendars are a pain if you have more than one child. But they are a real nightmare if you have two “baby in the family” children to deal with!

Edited on 12/24/05 – The mouse came out of hiding! And I’m the one who put him in the FINAL little pouch! hahahahahaha! That’ll teach those princesses!

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Daily Dose of Music – Not so Random 10

Today I’m dropping some music onto Jenn’s iRiver, it’s her Christmas present, so do not tell!), and it’s fun but difficult at the same time. I haven’t spent much time with her in the last 4 years so there are huge blanks where I have no idea what her favorite songs were. Sniff sniff! It will be fun to see her reaction to what I’ve downloaded for her and more fun to hear what she will want to download for herself.

Here’s a random 10 list from what I’m downloading for her:

1) Every Breath You Take – Police (number 1 when she was born)
2) Ice Ice Baby – Vanilla Ice (man she loved Vanilla Ice lol)
3) Lump – Presidents of the United States (we loved it when this came on MTV!)
4) Like a Virgin – Madonna (she adored Madonna, wanted to be Madonna!)
5) I’ll Make Love to You – Boyz II Men (…hahaha family joke)
6) When I Come Around – Green Day (reminds me of her and Audrey and Chanae too a little bit)
7) Changes – 2Pac (yes dear, he really is dead)
8) Wannabe – Spice Girls (I can’t bring myself to put Mmmbop on there so this will have to do)
9) Wonderwall – Oasis (I think she wore this CD out)
10) Strawberry Wine – Deana Carter (for Jenn AND Ronnie because I heard that this was their song about the time they were married)

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Daily Dose of Kids – Teens – Hair


Everytime I download pictures from my digital camera I see photos of Michelle (who is the almost 16 year old) and her latest hair style. The child has her own digital camera but she either can’t find it or the batteries are dead, so she uses mine to photograph her latest hair design. I’ve saved these all year long and I’ve been saying I was going to do a “Year In Michelle” feature … well Michelle beat me to it! I’m not 100% sure she captured every hair change over the year, if she didn’t, we’ll update it. Until then – Enjoy! And tell us which “hair” you like best!

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Daily Dose of Friends – Search

Earlier today, Brenda buzzed me to ask me for blogging information and ideas. A few hours later, Snead buzzed me with “What’s a doppio?” I wouldn’t be surprised if someone buzzes me before the end of the day to ask me how many calories are in some food or another. This is what my friends and coworkers do. This is how they see me.

Blogger. Coffee Freak. Diet Guru.

None of their questions are all that difficult. I’m not generally so darn busy that I can’t answer a simple question. I can’t say I’ve been tempted (very often) to respond with “I’m not your darn search engine”. I just find it amusing when folks do this. It makes me wonder how often I might do that to people.

It takes all of thirty seconds to type “doppio” into google and find the definition. It takes just a moment to pull up some nice calorie counting website and find out how many calories are in green bean casserole. So what leads people to buzz me to ask those questions rather than run a search? What leads me to ask people questions rather than pop open a search?

I’m not complaining, ladies, I’m just pondering the idea out loud. Wondering when and why I choose to ask someone and when and why I simply open a search and find the info myself.

I wonder if there’s some sort of study about this…

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Daily Dose of Kids – Premature Babies

Today, November 15, is Prematurity Awareness Day – so get aware! Visit SHARE, Medline, iVillage (man I miss Parent Soup – I even miss Parentsplace, which is frightening) and WebMD.

Or, just click these links to SHARE and jump in quickly!

* Learn about the Preemie Act
* Join a Discussion
* Read Some Blogs
* Donate

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Daily Dose of Shopping – Gift Tags

I have always liked Hearthsong but tonight I was having trouble finding anything that any of the kids in this house really NEEDED. Disappointing. It means they’re growing up. And I’m already having some baby fever. Disappointing. Just as I was about to give up and look somewhere else I discovered the BEST idea EVER. Why haven’t I seen these battery gift tags before? Why didn’t someone think of this YEARS ago?

Awesome brilliant idea.


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