The Deathly Hallows

I did finally finish Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows. Finally. I cannot believe it took me more than a week. Well yes I can since I had one of the craziest weeks of my life.

I liked it, the book not the crazy life – well I guess I liked that too. There are some parts that I was disappointed in, the “19 years later” part is probably the biggest disappointment. She should have just left it alone.

Rather than ramble on and on, and include some spoilers that piss people off, I’ll just link you over to Mombian and her post about Rowling and lesbian literature. That won’t piss anyone off, will it?

1 thought on “The Deathly Hallows”

  1. My expectations were pretty low. Kid’s book. Seventh in a very long series. So, I loved the action and enjoyed the conclusion right up till the 19 years later part, and then gagged.

    I could have lived without it!

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