101 Things Update

Look! An update! Only one day into a new month. Does this mean I’m not nearly as stressed as previous months? Or does it mean I’m organized to the limit because I am stressed? Care to guess? OK enough playing around, on with the update which again is boring as hell.

We attempted another book on audio but it was a cassette and cassette 2 refused to play. HMPH. I need to see if I have any books on audio reserved, I’m wondering if we should try Eclipse on audio since the reviews have been less than stellar…. maybe the audio would improve things?

I’m tempted to remove the spend the day in a bookstore from the list – or consider it done – since we spend just about every Sunday in a bookstore. Granted, it isn’t a bookstore I enjoy spending time in but I do still sift the racks and soak up words that I would not otherwise soak up.

The biggest news of the month, in terms of the 101 list, is that I was able to stay awake through the original three Star Wars movies. (For you young folks who are confused, that would be episodes 4,5 and 6.) Prince J and I plan to sit through the other three very soon. As expected, Return of the Jedi was very difficult for me to stay awake for. I cannot figure out why so many people told me that was their favorite of the original three. BORING. Ho freaking hum.

And last but certainly not least we made it six months without Gator Food.

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