iPod Touch, again

Last night, or was it the night before, we had a discussion about which kids I blog most about – undoubtedly Michelle takes the cake with Prince J running a distant second. At least that’s my feeling, though I don’t really keep track. I think I probably blog the least about Jenn. Did I recently blog about Liz and graphic novels? I think I mentioned it but the post I wanted to make just didn’t happen because life was busy. Anyway, this got me thinking about why I don’t often blog about RJ – I have no idea! There’s plenty of blog material coming from her every day. Like this little story…

Michelle was showing off her iPod touch to the little kids. Liz said “cool”. Prince J also said “cool”. Not a super amount of enthusiasm, though I believe if Prince J actually had been allowed to HOLD it, he’d have said more than “cool” since he’s the kid who most wants an iPhone (though probably the kid least likely to use it as a phone.)

RJ on the other hand covets the iPod touch. “I want one!” I said “uh nooooo I’m not made of money and Michelle really just got this one because her iRiver died a horrible death and I wanted my iRiver back.” The kid did not miss a beat and said “So all I have to do is borrow your iRiver and I can have an iPod!”

Err. Damn. I think I’m in trouble now, or will be if I leave my iRiver lying around where she can confiscate it. What’s worse is I almost handed it over to her so she could serenade her damn bird. Thankfully I realized that if I handed it over to her, I’d be buying another iPod Touch. The kid is smart. Too smart.

Also, regarding the iPod Touch. Michelle was disappointed that the calendar edit feature isn’t functional on the iPod Touch. Let’s hope this rumor is true. If it is – the device will be perfect.

Michelle uses the web surfing features more than I dreamed she would. She blogs from the thing! And, last night while she was at R’s for band practice, they used it by borrowing the neighbor’s wifi connection to surf guitar chords while learning a new song. Carrying a guitar and/or a sax around PLUS a laptop is a lot to carry – the iPod Touch in her pocket makes her life much easier.

She’s happy. I’m happy. RJ would like to be happy, heh.