Being productive on my birthday

Well. I’m not sure anyone else would call what I’m doing today “productive” but it feels that way to me and since it is my birthday, humor me.

I have a troubling to TW habit – I save a lot of blog posts as “new” to read later or to save for possible blogging in the future. How many is a lot? This morning I started with 621 saved items.

TW constantly tells me to just get rid of them. She’s nuts. I saved them for a reason and I am NOT going to get rid of them without reading them, bookmarking them and blogging them.

So that’s what I’m doing today. Cleaning out my saved items. I’m down to 293. 115 of those are Queercents posts, heh. (The blog I most love to NOT read.)

Once I finish with the saved posts in my Bloglines, I’m moving to clean out my email boxes. I have hundreds of saved emails, most from TW on topics I’m no longer interested in (thank you new job!)

Go me.

2 thoughts on “Being productive on my birthday”

  1. 621!!!!! YIKES lady…..your ‘delete finger’ could go into spasms over that many. I recently did the same thing…and it felt good to go through it all and clean-out. Well….it’s one way to spend your birthday, isn’t it? Again….HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY you wonderful lady.

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