It’s a love/hate thing

Michelle had some long discussion with TW about me, my “new” job and my travel opportunities. Apparently Michelle is hoping that BlogHer will send me on many, many trips because she is sure I love to travel and have really missed traveling.

Errr, ummm, weird, right?

Michelle came to this conclusion because I am always encouraging HER to travel and she thinks this means I wish I had traveled more.

Dude. I traveled. A lot. And still travel. A lot. More than I’d like.

It’s not that I don’t like going to new places or visiting friends and family and really cool people (like the BlogHers on the west coast), it’s that I’m a creature of habit and it’s hard to maintain habit when I’m traveling.

Take this last trip to California. Awesome, except for the really crowded flights and that whole orange juice spilled all over me – twice – and the really annoying woman who not only spilled OJ on me – twice – but argued with the flight attendant and many travelers about our flight being delayed because she did not understand that her cell phone was displaying east coast time rather than west coast time.

Awesome except my carefully created schedule was out the window and I really hate that. I hate not getting up, getting a cup of coffee and getting to work on my email, my blogs, my boards, my life.

This is why I don’t do vacation very well. I always feel like I should be doing something else, like my email, my blogs, my boards, my life! Business travel makes me feel the same way. It’s a problem, I know. I should get over it and just chill. And I do, mostly. But there’s always some niggling little thought in my head that if I was at home, I’d be doing X and I really need to be doing X – that’s why I do it every darn day.

So no Michelle, I really don’t wamt BlogHer to send me traveling a lot. Once in awhile is good – really good, and fun. But I’d really rather stay home. I like it here. You, however… you should travel. A lot.

4 thoughts on “It’s a love/hate thing”

  1. I like seeing new places and meeting new people. I hate getting there. I think you have to be young to enjoy the journey part of the journey.

  2. If I could be Samantha Stevens from Bewitched…and just twitch my nose and be any place I wanted……GREAT, I’d be somewhere new every day. But since those noses are pretty hard to come by….NO THANKS! I’m with you Denise.

  3. Joy, if that included being able to “beam” back home after a couple hours, I’m right with you!!!

    I nest and I can’t think of a better way to spend a weekend than in my apartment with Mr. Micah. Or possibly walking in the neighborhood. And sometimes it’s nice to have friends over. Or maybe even visit them. But I like my routines and I like my home and I’m pretty content to stay there.

    If I’m gone long enough (like a 2-month trip to Europe), then I can develop my own travel routine. But when I come home, that gets messed up and I still feel frustrated. :-/

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