The Christmas Meme

Just cause Mata said so.

1.Real tree or artificial or treeless? Any special traditions with the tree?

Well, I would prefer a real tree but TW’s allergic so we have artificial. A new Martha Steward artificial this year. The only special traditions with the tree are to get out of the way when a zillion kids try and decorate it with every single ornament we have, just as fast as they can.

2. Eggnog or Cider or Mulled Wine?

Uh no. Never. Thanks for offering, though.

3. Spiritual or Secular celebration?

Both? Heh.

4. Favorite Christmas music?

Silver Bells. Though the middle schooler playing Good King Wenceslas has been a pleasure this year. I remember when I learned to play it on the piano. I’m guessing I drove my mother a little nuts.

5. One special holiday memory.

Errrr. The year Santa didn’t wrap any gifts when I was like 5? I was sick and grouchy. That was totally special ’cause today I can annoy my mother by whining about that. Heh. Or the year Santa brought Teddy Ruxpin to Jenn, that was awesome. Santa was one cool dude.

Your turn. And if you do it, you should let Mata know.

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